keep talking to her until she waves back but when she starts waving keep talking to her until the star appears
make iht smile & make silly faces :]
Ask the doctor to see if the baby is going to be a girl
I don't know but i can't get my baby to take any toys!
You can't make sure your baby is a girl, you just have to hope.
making a little girl woman + baby
make iht smile & make silly faces :]
Just talk/sing to it and keep doing this. The baby will look at you and will in it's own time move it's hand as if it is waving :)
To a girl: holà chica To a boy: holà chico
The correct spelling must be:¡Hola, nene! ¿De dónde eres? --- Hi, baby! Where are you from?Otherwise, the meaning totally changes:¡Hola, nene! De donde eres (...) Hi, baby! Where you live...
You can say "Hello baby" in Tagalog as "Kamusta baby."
Russians may wave (or simply raise their hand) to say hello instead of, or in addition to, saying "Hello". They are, however, more likely to wave goodbye.
They are saying, "Hello! How are you my girl?"
Ciao, bimba! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, girlie!" The greeting represents a shortened form of Ciao, bambina! ("Hello, baby girl!" or "Bye, girl child!") The pronunciation will be "tchow BEEM-ba" in Italian.
Wave to them or say Olá Olá=Hello
Shinee's Hello Baby ended in 2010-04.
The duration of Shinee's Hello Baby is 2400.0 seconds.
Shinee's Hello Baby was created in 2010-01.