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Near mossdeep ciry

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Q: Where is the shard hunter on Pokemon emerald?
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How do you get the leaf stone in Pokemon emerald?

Trade a green shard to the hunter to get a leaf stone.

How do you get the red shard in Pokemon emerald?

That can be found underwater near the hunter's house west of mossdeep city.

How do you get a firestone in Pokemon emerald?

find one in the firey path or trade 1 red shard for one at the hunter's house

How many leaf stones are in emerald?

I think there are an Unlimited number, because if you manage to get a green shard from a wild pokemon, you can trade it with the shard hunter for a leaf stone. (He has an unlimited number of them, as long as you have a green shard to give him.)

On Pokemon Emerald how do you get a Water Stone?

You can trade a Blue Shard at Hunter's House for a Water Stone.You can also get one in the Abandoned Ship.

Where can you get a water stone in Pokemon Emerald?

from trading a blue shard with hunter on island near mossdeep. There is one you can find in the abandoned ship.

Where can you find a red shard in Pokemon emerald?

you can find it on route 124 I've had a vulpix and to make it evolve i had find the red shard and i had to give it to hunter in mossdep city to get the fire stone

On Pokemon Emerald how do you get a Fire Stone?

Trade a red shard with the hunter to get a fire stone.

Where can you find a firestone in Pokemon emerald?

u gotta find a red shard & give it to Hunter to the left of mossdeep city. He lives on an island with one house on it.

Were do you find the thunder stone in Hoenn?

You first need a yellow shard these can be found using Dive near the Hunter's house, Second give the yellow shard to the hunter he will trade you a thunder stone for the shard. Another way to get a thunder stone is by trading a Pokemon from firered or leafgreen that is holding one to ruby, sapphire or emerald.

Is there shard hunter in emerald?

Yes his house is a small ways west from mossdeep city.

Where do you get the firestone in Pokemon emerald?

First find a Red shard underwater you can find dive spots that lead to red shards near the hunters house which is west from mossdeep city trade the red shard to the hunter to get a fire stone.