Fish with a super rod at Pacifidlog Town and a Wailmer will show up level 30, or 35 and you must raise his level to 40 to evolve him into Wailord
wailord is in undella bay
Wailord is the largest Pokemon followed by groudon.
You cannot catch Wailord. You can, however, catch Wailmer, which evolve into Wailord starting at level 40.
If you breed a female Skitty and a male Wailord then you get a Skitty but if you breed a female Wailord and a male Skitty then you'll get a Wailmer.
Wailord is #321 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
You get Regice for Saphire, Ruby, or Emerald with a lv 50 Relicanth and a lv 50 Wailord and go to an underground place. Or u can just use hte action replay.
Jon Saphire's birth name is Jonathan Saphire.
Christopher Saphire's birth name is Christopher Donald Saphire.
Chris Saphire is 5' 11".
Christopher Saphire is 5' 10".
Wailord does not currently evolve into any pokemon, but it does have the pre-evolution wailmer.
wailord is in undella bay
Yes, it always has to be Wailord and Relicanth - Relicanth in the first slot and Wailord in the last in Ruby and Sapphire, and Wailord in the first slot and Relicanth in the last in Emerald.
Christopher Saphire goes by Chris.
wailord lv 50 =hp180-250 wailord lv100 =hp400-600 wailord increased hp per lv +5/6
These are rare combos saphire x3, saphire x2 and ruby, 1 saphire ruby x2 and x2 saphire and 1 green gem