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Smelt Cobblestone in your furnace.

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Q: How do you get a stone block in minecraft?
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How do you get pavment in Minecraft?

There is no pavement block on minecraft just blocks like stone, Cobblestone and Stone bricks often get used for pavements.

What is the most common block in minecraft?

In all technicality, the most common block in Minecraft is Air. In terms of solid blocks, it's stone. There might be a few dirt blocks in the way, but digging around mostly yields stone.

How do you harvest redstone on Minecraft?

First, find a red stone block. To obtain it, use a stone to diamond pickaxe on it. Collect your dust.

What is the emerald ID in minecraft?

Emerald ore is 129. Emerald block is 133. Emerald stone is 388.

What does a steel block look like in minecraft?

It looks like stone except whiter and a lot smoother looking.

How do you find cobble stone on Minecraft pe?

Dig down a bit and you'll find stone, which is a grey block. Use a pickaxe to mine it or you will not get it. It will drop cobblestone.

How do you blow up TNT in minecraft on iPad?

Place a block of TNT down then place a red stone torch beside it.

Where can you find stone in Minecraft?

Apart from water and air, stone is the most common block, below the topmost dirt layer. Just dig, you'll hit some.

Where to find cobble stone in minecraft?

You can find it in NPC villages or underground dungeons. But the easiest way to get it is to mind regular smooth stone, because that produces a block of cobblestone.

What number is a gold block in Minecraft?

In Minecraft, the gold block is data value 41.