You can find it in NPC villages or underground dungeons. But the easiest way to get it is to mind regular smooth stone, because that produces a block of cobblestone.
Inside a cave, find a rock that has a reddish-brown spots. Make a stone pick using cobble stone, same as a wooden pick but with cobble instead of planks. Finally, mine it!
You craft a piston with 3 wood on the top row, cobble stone-iron ingot-cobble stone in the middle row, then cobble stone-redstone-cobble stone on the bottom row. Lastly, you put a slime ball above the piston in the crafting table, and voilà! You have your sticky piston!
You make them out of wood or smooth stone (not cobble). The wood ones can detect items and mobs/players, the smooth stone only the mobs/players. You make them like this: xxx xxx mmx where x is nothing and m is wood or smoothstone
Mostly, they can be found next to lava.
When you mine regular 'smooth' stone, you get cobblestone. This can be converted back to smooth stone by smelting it in a furnace.
You dont
Dig down a bit and you'll find stone, which is a grey block. Use a pickaxe to mine it or you will not get it. It will drop cobblestone.
you cannot because moss stone is in dungeons which haven't been implemented to it yet
you NEED a Cobble stone pickaxe.
Inside a cave, find a rock that has a reddish-brown spots. Make a stone pick using cobble stone, same as a wooden pick but with cobble instead of planks. Finally, mine it!
You craft a piston with 3 wood on the top row, cobble stone-iron ingot-cobble stone in the middle row, then cobble stone-redstone-cobble stone on the bottom row. Lastly, you put a slime ball above the piston in the crafting table, and voilà! You have your sticky piston!
4 cobble stone in a t shape and then 4 gold blocks around the t then put the nether reactor on the middle cobble stone then cobble stone in a t shape around the nether reactor so the nether reactor is in the middle then a bother cobble stone t on top of that then hit the nether reactor if you need more help type in nether reactor on mine craft wiki and you will find out how to.
In the crafting table get 8 cobble stone and put it in all the boxes except the middle. simple!
Cobble is a block you gain after "Mining" Stone (the smooth, grey rock. usually under dirt). With Cobblestone, you can make tools such as stone picks, stone axes, stone shovels, and stone swords. You can also make stone stairs and stone half blocks. Its also very nice for walkways. You need a stone pick to mine iron ore. Stone tools are more durable than wooden ones.
silverfish can hide in cobble or stone brick, silverfish are 1 block high and 1 block wide, but even though they look cute, they attack you. you can find them at the strong hold and there is a spawner at the end portal.
Mostly in dungeons and mined after you break stone!
un pavé can mean a paving stone or a cobble stone and a thick book