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Place a block of TNT down then place a red stone torch beside it.

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Q: How do you blow up TNT in minecraft on iPad?
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How do you blow up TNT in minecraft on the Ipad?

you don't To blow up tnt in minecraft on the ipad the player or user must switch to creative mode and double tap the icon which represents the tnt yoou wish to blow up.

Can you blow up obsidian with tnt in minecraft?

In the latest Minecraft, you can.

How do you blow up tnt in minecraft?

Hit it (left click it).

How do you make TNT blow up in Minecraft?

redstone torch

Will you be able to blow up TNT on the new Minecraft PE update?

Unfortunately, you won't have a way to blow up TNT in the new update.

Can you blow tnt up on creative mode on minecraft?

no they just had an update where you can get TNT for creative but you can't blow it up it would be fun though

How do you blow up TNT on the free version on Minecraft?

You use fire

Does TNT blow up in water in minecraft?

Yes but it doesnt remove and blocks.

How do you blow up tnt in Minecraft pockit edition?

You have to be in survival to blow up TNT because you can make flint and steel in survival. Its a waste of time anyway because the TNTdoesn'tdestroy land it just blows up

How do you blow up TNT in minecraft pocket edition in creative mode on iPod touch?

You cant

How do you blow up tnt in minecraft beta 1.7?

same as always. either hit it or use redstone

How to blow up TNT in Minecraft pocket edition in creative mode without having to get a mod?

you can't ):