This is part of the New Smithing Update - You will find a new Building In Falador, Near the Bank outside Falador Park.
Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.
Not even close. The Rune Scimitar is better when it comes to attack stats. The blurite sword's defense stats are actually a little better then the rune Rune Scimitar's.
for non member: if you want to up fast in str use rune scimi if you want to hit more use long rune sword if you want to hit greater use rune battle axe and 3h rune (dagger and short sword are faster than scimi but scimi hits higher and better) for member: The best way to up in str is dharok
You have to do the demon slayer quest and near the end a person gives it to you to defeat the demon with it for silverlight. to get the blurite sword you have to do the knights sword. And you have to defeat the demon with the silverlight...
Rune Med-Helmet.
Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.
Not even close. The Rune Scimitar is better when it comes to attack stats. The blurite sword's defense stats are actually a little better then the rune Rune Scimitar's.
Rune Short-sword on Accurate, or Rune Longsword on Stab/Controlled. They're about equal in Attack. Rune Longsword will hit higher.
Either buy one for 50k or make one by smithing.
A Rune 2h is a good weapon for a high lvl strength person on Runescape. A rune scimitar is a perfect weapon for a lvl 46 attack because it is designed for attack.
yes you can also other things like mithril rune med helm and others dont know exactly
Chaotic Longsword > Saradomin Sword > Brackish blade/Dragon Scimitar > Rune Scimitar
They will in Animation Pack 2 or 3 probably, but there might be the unlikelyness they wont ... Excuse my Spelling...
Probably the Rune battleaxe, though the Warhammer is slightly stronger against plate armor.
for non member: if you want to up fast in str use rune scimi if you want to hit more use long rune sword if you want to hit greater use rune battle axe and 3h rune (dagger and short sword are faster than scimi but scimi hits higher and better) for member: The best way to up in str is dharok
The maker of Runescape by the name of Andrew. Rune is a made-up material that is ONLY used in runescape
You have to do the demon slayer quest and near the end a person gives it to you to defeat the demon with it for silverlight. to get the blurite sword you have to do the knights sword. And you have to defeat the demon with the silverlight...