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if you're a non member you can go to the pet shop and by a red and blue puffle but you can only buy only two of them

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Q: How do you get a puffle if you are a non member?
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In Club Penguin how do you get a free puffle?

On Club Penguin, you can get two puffles if you are a non-member. If you are a member, you can get up to 16 puffles. So, if you are a non-member, there is no way to get a free puffle. Hope this answers your question!

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Why can't you buy a puffle for your Penguin?

There are two possiblities: 1. You have reached the max number of puffles 2. You are a non-member trying to buy a member puffle

In club penguin what is a puffle?

A puffle is a cute furry pet for you! you can walk feed it play tricks with it wash it if you are a non member you can only buy the blue or red puffle but if a member you can buy any type of puffle.. PLEASE MESSAGE ME I WILL HELP YOU WITH YOUR CLUBPENGUIN QUESTIONS

How do you get puffle furniture for non members 2013?

You can't get puffle furniture unless you're a member. You can buy TOYS for your puffles though. Just go to the puffle catalouge. Add me! Grace17dec

How do you Have Member puffles in Club Penguin?

the non membership only can get the red or blue puffle you need to be a member to get the other puffles

Puffle furniture if your not a member?

no. sorry:( you can only get puffle furniture if your a member.

Which puffle likes to play cart surfer on club penguin?

If you play Cart Surfer while walking a black puffle, it will play with you and earn extra coins for you. Remember, only members can adopt a black puffle (unless you enter a Treasure Book code), so if you're a non-member, you cannot play Cart Surfer with your puffle :(

How do you get a black puffle without a membership?

you cant adopt a black puffle if you are not a member, non-members are only aloud to adopt blue and red puffles.

How do you get a purple puffle without being a member?

how do u get a puffle without being a member

Can you get a puffle for free when being member or not a member?

No,you always have to pay for a puffle, unless you hack.

How do you buy a member puffle on Club Penguin without being a member?

You don't. You can get a membership and get a member puffle, though.