you can't get a nuke in black ops, but the multiplayer map Nuketown gets destroyed by a Nuke at the end of the match
Probably via hacks. But legitimately, no.
A power up is a shiny green thing in zombies. It could be nuke, double points, fire sale, max ammo, carpenter, insta kill or bonfire sale
No it does not have a Tactical Nuke You are thinking about MW2. "The Tactical Nuke is an unlockable killstreak reward in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which takes 25 (24 with Hardline) kills in a row to obtain." see related linkyes it does but u need a 250 kill streak to get it with any hand gunThat's actually wrong. They took it away away because this game takes place in the 60s and back than they didn't have the tactical nuke. Modern warfare 2 is present warfare and that's why its in that game and not black ops. Rumer is that their is gonna be a update where when you get a 50 kill streak than you can have a nuclear bomb for the next match you play.No your actually wrong and heres the many reasons why1. theres a level called nuke town where a nuke gets set off at the end of every game2.The first level is the bay of pigs during the cold war, the cold war was a race to nuclear weapons supremecy, the bay of pigs caused the Cuban missile crisis, it was a crisis because they were nukes!!3. Vietnam was AFTER world war II, which was ended by a nuclear bomb4. most of the guns you play with were only created in the 70'sinfact im bored listing every way that you are wrong because id end up listing each level as evidence. This game is a testament to how wrong you are. good god!also no there is no nuke in black ops, there will never be a nuke in black opsNuketown / Trivia "At the end of a match (no matter the result), the nuclear bomb in the stand will fall to the ground and make a ground burst detonation, obliterating the map."Hes right they did have nukes but not in the game :) No they were not tactical nukes which are those that kill people and do not do the damage of a full nuclear blast
Black ops
2 Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2 email me at i can answer any questions about black ops 1 black ops 2 and world at war i know all secrets glitches hacks etc...
you can't get a nuke in black ops
To get the nuke you need to get 25 kills in a row without dying.
There is no "nuke street" but there is a map called nuketown
Yes, there will be a NUKE killstreak for XBOX ONLY
the call of duty: Black ops map - "Nuke Town" is a Nuclear testing site for Weaponary of a Nuclear basis. In gameplay, you don't see a nuke but Nuke Town is a testing ground for nuclear weaponary and machinery, meaning a nuke has probably been tested there before...
you cant not that i no of if there is cool but no
There is no Nuke in Black Ops 2. Despite what YouTube videos try to convince you, there is no "extra" killstreak like the Nuke, MOAB, and KEM Strike. The swarm is the highest scorestreak in the game.
You don't except for the Nuketown
Not, that you can see. There is one after the match and only an explosion.
Probably via hacks. But legitimately, no.
nuke town is a map in the game call of dutty black ops it is a multi platform game for xbox360 and ps3 :)