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Probably via hacks. But legitimately, no.

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Q: Can you get a nuke in combat training in black ops?
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How much does black ops Combat Training cost?

Combat Training is free.

How do you get a nuke on black ops?

you can't get a nuke in black ops

How do you play Black ops combat training offline?

You can not play combat training offline.

Does black ops have combat training?


Is there combat training in Modern Warfare 2- PS3?

No, there is not. Combat Training was introduced on Black Ops.

Where to find Call of Duty Black Ops combat training?

Combat training is online only

In black ops how do you record when not in player match for example in combat training?

You can't record Combat Training.

How do you get combat training on call of duty black ops?

Go to multiplayer like usual, then click Combat Training.

How do you play black ops against the com?

Combat training.

How do you get a nuke in black ops?

you can't get a nuke in black ops, but the multiplayer map Nuketown gets destroyed by a Nuke at the end of the match

Does the decoy work on bots in Combat training Black ops?

i havent used combat training a lot , but as far as i know they do

How do you get to combat training on black ops?

click on Xbox live or Play Station Network and go down to combat training