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first have the game in your DS then go to diamond. select the migrate from what ever game. pick the Pokemon from your PC. Say yes to the questions. now play diamond and go to the pal park. You find and catch all 6 Pokemon. And that's all you do:-)

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Q: How do you get a migrated Pokemon in diamond?
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How do you transfer Pokemon from Pokemon FireRed to diamond when it delets its self?

You go to pal park where you can round up your migrated pokemons

How do you breed Pokemon from Pokemon FireRed to Diamond?

To breed Pokemon from Poekmon Fire Red to Pokemon Diamond you must put Pokemon Fire Red into the DS slot, turn the game on, select Pokemon diamond, press start and then in stead of pressing your file, scroll down until you see migrate from Pokemon Fire Red. This will bring you to your Pokemon Fire Red PC box and you can choose six Pokemon to migrate. After that you must go to Pal Park on Route 221 and catch those migrated Pokemon there. Don't worry, even if they're legendary, you catch them in one try. - BEWARE - POKEMON MIGRATED TO DIAMOND CANNOT BE MIGRATED BACK

How do you trade from sapphire to diamond?

You need to complete Pokemon Sapphire and Diamond and in Diamond you will need the National Dex. Go to the title screen of Diamond and press Start, then choose "Migrate from Sapphire" and follow the instructions. Choose the 6 Pokemon you want to migrate to Diamond, then confirm your choice. The 6 migrated Pokemon will be in the Pal Park and can be caught with 100% catch rate.

How come you cannot migrate Pokemon from Pokemon emerald to diamond version?

Either because you cheated and did not get the national pokedex or you have already migrated for that day. But probably cause you cheated.

Can you migrate Pokemon from Fire Red to a Diamond file on an R4?

it ispossible i have Pokemon platinum on my R4 and i migrated Pokemon from Pokemon ruby and it worked but first u need the pal pad you can get that when you have finished the sinnoh pokedex.

Related questions

Can you play sapphire after migrating your Pokemon to diamond?

You Can keep playing the game but not with the Pokemon you migrated

Where do the Pokemon that you migrated to diamond go after you migrate them?

They are transferred into the Pal Park.

Can you get the legendary Pokemon Groudon in Pokemon Diamond?

You can only get groudon if you migrated it through the pal park from Ruby or Emerald.

Can you get a Charmander in Pokemon Diamond?

Yes but only if it is migrated from Leaf Green or Fire Red.

Can Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl be migrated to Pokemon Colosseum or XD?

No because Pokemon Colosseum and XD are only contain Hoenn specific pokemon. Therefore, no other pokemon from Sinnoh Region can be migrated into these two games. I know that Battle Revolution can do this though

How do you trade Pokemon from diamond to firered?

It's not possible. After a Pokemon is migrated to diamon pearl or platinum, it can't be brought back

How do you transfer Pokemon from Pokemon FireRed to diamond when it delets its self?

You go to pal park where you can round up your migrated pokemons

How do you breed Pokemon from Pokemon FireRed to Diamond?

To breed Pokemon from Poekmon Fire Red to Pokemon Diamond you must put Pokemon Fire Red into the DS slot, turn the game on, select Pokemon diamond, press start and then in stead of pressing your file, scroll down until you see migrate from Pokemon Fire Red. This will bring you to your Pokemon Fire Red PC box and you can choose six Pokemon to migrate. After that you must go to Pal Park on Route 221 and catch those migrated Pokemon there. Don't worry, even if they're legendary, you catch them in one try. - BEWARE - POKEMON MIGRATED TO DIAMOND CANNOT BE MIGRATED BACK

Is there a time limit for pal park in Pokemon diamond or pearl?

no there's no limit. Your game finishes when you capture all the migrated pokemon.

Where do pick up migrated Pokemon on Pokemon diamond?

In the pal park if you don't know where it is just surf down sandgem town

How do you migrate diamond and sapphire?

You need to complete Pokemon Diamond. At the main menu, insert a Pokemon Sapphire GBA into the GBA slot. Select Migrate from Sapphire and on diamond, catch the migrated species in the Pal Park.

Why does your Pokemon diamond always freeze when you try to catch your migrated Pokemon from pal park?

It must be your game because mine and my mates never freeze when we try to catch migrated pokemon there may be some sort of glitch hidden in your game