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To breed Pokemon from Poekmon Fire Red to Pokemon Diamond you must put Pokemon Fire Red into the DS slot, turn the game on, select Pokemon diamond, press start and then in stead of pressing your file, scroll down until you see migrate from Pokemon Fire Red. This will bring you to your Pokemon Fire Red PC box and you can choose six Pokemon to migrate. After that you must go to Pal Park on Route 221 and catch those migrated Pokemon there. Don't worry, even if they're legendary, you catch them in one try. - BEWARE - POKEMON MIGRATED TO DIAMOND CANNOT BE MIGRATED BACK

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Q: How do you breed Pokemon from Pokemon FireRed to Diamond?
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Yes you can breed any Pokemon except legendaries and preevolved Pokemon.

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You can breed all Pokemon except: Legendaries, Babies and Eggs.

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The only type of pokemon that can't breed in fire red are legendary pokemons.

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Unlock everything in Pokemon Diamond?

you have to use action replay or to get alot of Pokemon migrate from a firered and use action replay on firered to get all Pokemon except the one from diamond

What Pokemon can you find in Pokemon Diamond if you have Pokemon firered in the slot?

some fire Pokemon, vulpix or just look in your game and don't be lazy.Also in diamond once you entered firered in the slot migrate your Pokemon if the regions kanto or hoenn then enter pal park in diamond and you'll get to enter a show then you will be able to catch Pokemon from firered there.