First try to figure out a lot of eletric pokemon. Zebstrika is one of my favorites. I started out by getting a blitzle u can find them in route 3.
However if wanted a Zebstrika look somewhere in route 7.
A joltick is in caves and i think in twisted mountian
Ground types are great against electric types so find yourself a decent ground type Pokemon and train it a bit then use it.
the Pokemon that is good angensti electric type is ground attacks or rock attacks. just get a Pokemon that can learn earthquake and use it on the electric or the fire type Pokemon.
Minun, the electric type Pokemon, is a good Pokemon. Minun can learn many electric type moves and has high special attack.
No, they do neutral damage.
Joltic the electric bug pokemon found in chargestone cave.
Ground types are great against electric types so find yourself a decent ground type Pokemon and train it a bit then use it.
Any electric type pokemon.
the Pokemon that is good angensti electric type is ground attacks or rock attacks. just get a Pokemon that can learn earthquake and use it on the electric or the fire type Pokemon.
grass types
i have Pokemon white, its zekrom electric dragon 2nd in ranking of 649 Pokemon of all games.
Minun, the electric type Pokemon, is a good Pokemon. Minun can learn many electric type moves and has high special attack.
The best type of Pokemon against electric types are ground type Pokemon Hope it helped!
makes electric type Pokemon evolve
The best type of Pokemon against electric types are ground type Pokemon Hope it helped!
No, they do neutral damage.
Joltic the electric bug pokemon found in chargestone cave.