* Electric * Ice * Rock Go visit http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Type_chart_%28Generation_II-present%29
electric, ice, rock, steel, and water
Fire and steel types are super effective against Ice Pokemon. Electric, although super effective against water, do only normal damage to Ice Pokemon
Water/Ice type pokemon are weak against rock, electric, fighting, and grass type moves
electric and ice are effective against flying
Kyroge, the legendary water/ice Pokemon
Electric Type Pokemon are effective against the following types:WaterFlying
Fire and fighting type moves are super effective against Ice type pokemon.
water or electric or grass.
* Electric * Ice * Rock Go visit http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Type_chart_%28Generation_II-present%29
electric, ice, rock, steel, and water
Fire and steel types are super effective against Ice Pokemon. Electric, although super effective against water, do only normal damage to Ice Pokemon
ice, rock, and electric :)
Water/Ice type pokemon are weak against rock, electric, fighting, and grass type moves
A flying type Pokemon's weakness is an electric type Pokemon.
electric and ice are effective against flying
Water, Ice, and Electric