Fire and steel types are super effective against Ice Pokemon. Electric, although super effective against water, do only normal damage to Ice Pokemon
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
there weak against grass, water and ice.
Druddigon is weak against dragon and ice type pokemon
Ice and Rock pokémon are weak against steel". Steel is weak against Fire, Fighting and Ground
Ice type Pokemon are extremely weak to fire, fighting, steel, and ground type Pokemon. They are super effective to grass and flying type Pokemon.
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
there weak against grass, water and ice.
Druddigon is weak against dragon and ice type pokemon
All ice types are weak against Rock, Steel, Fire and Fighting.
Ice and Rock pokémon are weak against steel". Steel is weak against Fire, Fighting and Ground
they r weak against fire, flying, poison, bug and ice
they are weak against it ex. ice beam
Fire, Fighting, Steel and Rock.
Ice type Pokemon are extremely weak to fire, fighting, steel, and ground type Pokemon. They are super effective to grass and flying type Pokemon.
spirtomb is weak against nothing gastrodon is weak against grass milotic is weak against grass and electric garchomp is weak against dragon and ice lucario is weak against fighting, ground, and fire roserade is weak against fire, ice, flying, and psychic hope this helps.
Ice and Fire
Water, Ice, and Electric