Ice and Rock pokémon are weak against steel".
Steel is weak against Fire, Fighting and Ground
psychic type pokemon are weak against psychic steel and dark
Steel type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground type attacks
Steel type Pokemon are weak against fire, fighting, and ground types. So if you want to defeat a steel type Pokemon or catch one, make sure you use super-effective moves that are weak against steel type Pokemon.
Rock-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Ground, Steel, Fighting and Grass-type attacks.
Fight, Fire and Ground.
psychic type pokemon are weak against psychic steel and dark
Steel type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground type attacks
Steel type Pokemon are weak against fire, fighting, and ground types. So if you want to defeat a steel type Pokemon or catch one, make sure you use super-effective moves that are weak against steel type Pokemon.
steel is weak to fire and water
Steel types are weak against Ground, Fighting, and Fire.
Rock-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Ground, Steel, Fighting and Grass-type attacks.
Fight, Fire and Ground.
Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
Fairy-type Pokemon are weak against Steel and Poison-type attacks.
Ice type Pokemon are extremely weak to fire, fighting, steel, and ground type Pokemon. They are super effective to grass and flying type Pokemon.
Rock type Pokemon are weak against Water, Steel, Grass and Fighting.
If you want to know what Types of Pokemon that are Strong against STEEL-Type attacks there is ELECTRIC, WATER, STEEL and FIRE. I'll just add that STEEL-Type Pokemon are weak against FIGHT, FIRE and GROUND attacks.