Bug, Ground, Psychic, and steel
Steel-type and Dragon-type moves are supper effective on dragon-type Pokemon :)
fire fighting and ground beat steal!
Fire, Fighting, Steel and Rock.
Fighting, Rock, Fire and Steel
Bug, Ground, Psychic, and steel
Steel-type and Dragon-type moves are supper effective on dragon-type Pokemon :)
Fire/fighting type pokemon are good . such as pokemon in the charmander family
fire, steel, rock, fighting.
Fairy is weak to Poison and Steel.
fire fighting and ground beat steal!
Fairy Pokemon are weak to Poison and Steel-type moves.
The Steel type is weak against Fire and Ground type moves.
Use a fire type pokemon, fire beats steel.
Poison and Steel.
metal beats rock and many types of moves arent very effective on it
pyruss/fire Fire, fighting, and ground is good against steel.