You can either catch a Shellos or you can find a Gastrodon in water areas I think.
SurfIce BeamRecoverHidden Power
Shellos evolves in lvl 30 in a Gastrodon.
Shellos evolves at level 30 into Gastrodon. It is the same on Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
You can use Pokemon like: Buizel, floatzel, gastrodon, and possibly finneon and lumineon
Nidoking and Jolteon
SurfIce BeamRecoverHidden Power
Shellos evolves in lvl 30 in a Gastrodon.
When you level it up to level 30, it will evolve into a Gastrodon.
The champion is Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, is Cynthia. She has various Pokemon-types. She is the Sinnoh Champion. Her Pokemon are Spiritomb, Lucario, Togekiss, Milotic, Garchomp and Roserade. In Platinum, Cynthia has a Togekiss. In Diamond and Pearl, she has a Gastrodon.
Shellos evolves at level 30 into Gastrodon. It is the same on Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
The Pokemon are Chatot,Tentacool,Tentacruel,Floatzel,Gastrodon west sea,Shellos west sea, Finneon,Gayarados, Lumineon,and mr.mime
Gastrodon is a Water and Ground type pokemon.
Garchomp and Gastrodon
If you go to the pokedex, select Gastrodon and touch AREA, it will show you.
diamond and pearl spirttomb garchomp roserade gastrodon milotic and lucario platinum spirttomb garchomp roserade lucario milotic and togekiss