you go to the cave behind moss deep in there u can catch a seal or sealo lv 30 or something. then u have to evolve it into walrein at 45.
Spheal evolves at level 32 into Sealeo. Sealeo evolves into Walrein at level 44.
sealeo evolves into a walrein in level 44.. good luck in your Pokemon adventure
Swampert is a pretty good choice but if you chose a different starter then other good ones would be Milotic, Walrein, and maybe even Crawdaunt
milotic of course
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
2 Glalies 2 Sealeos and 1 Walrein
In Pokémon Emerald, Sealeo will evolve into Walrein at Level 44.
Machamp, Banette, Walrein, Raichu, Ludicolo, Dustox.
Walrein is an Ice and Water type pokemon.
spheal is level 32 sealeo is 42 in my opinion hoenn is the best region and walrein is 2nd best ice type glalie the best
You can get Walrein at Undella Bay in the winter.
You can only catch a Spheal, not a Sealo or a Walrein.
Spheal evolves at level 32 into Sealeo. Sealeo evolves into Walrein at level 44.
Walrein because of its extremely high stats, but Politoed is just awesome.
Walrein is #365 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ice-Water type Pokemon.