Spheal evolves at level 32 into Sealeo. Sealeo evolves into Walrein at level 44. http://serebii.net/pokedex-dp/363.shtml
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
No Sableye does not evolve.
Poochyena is a dark type of Pokemon. In Pokemon Emerald it will evolve if you raise it up to level 18.
No you can not
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
Electrode does not evolve
No Sableye does not evolve.
Poochyena is a dark type of Pokemon. In Pokemon Emerald it will evolve if you raise it up to level 18.
No, Vileplume does not evolve in Pokémon Emerald.
Magcargo does not evolve in Pokémon Emerald.
Pikachu can evolve into a Raichu.
Yes, Baltoy does evolve in Pokémon Emerald, it will evolve into Claydol.
Which Pokemon?
No you can not