the only way to get him back is ifyou saved before you battled him or else you will have to start a new game and get back to there.
You have to follow the three legendaries (Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf). They will show you little holes where you have to throw boulders in. Once you do that, you search for Cynthia. You and Cynthia will then find Giratina where you can catch it or make it faint. If you accidentally make Giratina faint, you can always catch him again later...
Yes you can! After he faints go back and he'll be there.
In order to kill or faint Giratina, you have to attack it however the quickest option to knocking it out would be a dark-type attack however I would recommend to try to use a normal-type Pokémon that can learn a dark-type attack because then Giratina's Shadow Force attack won't work.
to get giratina you need to go to the distortion world and catch it but when you go back to your world it will change it's form to altered form to keep it in it's original form you need to have giratina, beet the Pokemon league then go back to the distortion world and you will apper where you catched giratina,go down then you will see a pokeball go get it and it will give you the griseious orb now go back to your world again and give the griseious orb to giratina and it will change back to it's original form
if u killed giratina in the distortion world here is how u get it in turn back cave ]]]]]]]]]]]]] first you need to beat Cynthia then she wont block the entrace to turnnback cave then u have to see 4 pillars in turn back cave then giratina will be there HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!
If you have already caught them and saved, you cannot re-battle them again. If you made them faint, you have to battle the Elite Four again to make them respawn.
you have to start the adventure of Pokemon over
You can't do anything since there is no way to re-spawn Giratina in order for it to return in Pokémon Diamond once you have caused it to faint.
dumy giratina is not in sunyshore its in turn back cave...
You have to follow the three legendaries (Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf). They will show you little holes where you have to throw boulders in. Once you do that, you search for Cynthia. You and Cynthia will then find Giratina where you can catch it or make it faint. If you accidentally make Giratina faint, you can always catch him again later...
Yes you can! After he faints go back and he'll be there.
In order to kill or faint Giratina, you have to attack it however the quickest option to knocking it out would be a dark-type attack however I would recommend to try to use a normal-type Pokémon that can learn a dark-type attack because then Giratina's Shadow Force attack won't work.
Yes but you have to level it down a lot but not enough to make it faint i sugest saving and then battling it so it you do make it faint you can turn it off and try again my cousin some how caught it with a regular pokeball
to get giratina you need to go to the distortion world and catch it but when you go back to your world it will change it's form to altered form to keep it in it's original form you need to have giratina, beet the Pokemon league then go back to the distortion world and you will apper where you catched giratina,go down then you will see a pokeball go get it and it will give you the griseious orb now go back to your world again and give the griseious orb to giratina and it will change back to it's original form
After you you reached Snowpoint City and beaten the Galactics, you go to the Disortion World and catch or make Giratina faint, you can go to Sunnyshore City.
in platinum giratina will be in the distortion world, or in DP it will be in turn back cave, keep on going in random directions until you find it, there is no certain way to giratina in turback cave
You can't genius, its only in Pokemon planinum version because that's when giratina was made.