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You can only get Deoxys on Emerald, Fire Red, or Leaf Green. You get the Aurora ticket at a Nintendo event or the Pokemon store in New York if/when they offer it. You use the ticket to sail to birth island (island 9) and catch Deoxys. You can then move him into a Ruby or Sapphire game from the original game.

There are only 2 ways to get Deoxys, one of the ultimate Pokemon. You can either find and go to a special event that can be very far from you (as noted above), or you can use a code breaker or action replay. Anyone who thinks there is another way is sadly mistaken. You CANNOT get him on Ruby/Sapphire without a cheat, or moving him in from a different game.

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Q: How do you get Deoxys in Pokemon Ruby?
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Is there Deoxys in Pokemon Ruby?

I have no Idea about it on Ruby But I do know its on emerald. But My brother was talking about Deoxys on Ruby so Its a 50/50

Can you catch Deoxys in Pokemon ruby and if so how?

You can't.

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You need to migrate it from FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald. But if you have a Deoxys in Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire, then you can migrate from them to Pal Park.

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Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Deoxys and Jirachi!

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There are 202 including jirachi and deoxys.

Where do you find dexyas in Pokemon Ruby?

you really can not get deoxys in Pokemon ruby but you could get a gameshark and hack and i think you need aurora ticket

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In Pokemon Ruby there is the 3 regis, rayquaza, latios, groudon, deoxys, and jirachi. So there are 8 legendarys.

How do you get Deoxys on Pokemon Ruby with code breaker?

Use this gameshark cheat code Deoxys 8C5DE8C8A33E9D88 or C5946A0E65BE02B0 or FBC061A9072FC320

How do you get a easy way to get on the spaceshipm on Pokemon ruby?

There is no spaceship on ruby it was a old rumour of a way to get deoxys and jirachi.

Where is deoxy'z in Pokemon Ruby?

deoxys named Pokemon is only in Pokemon emerald, fire red and leaf green

How can you catch Deoxys in the moon in Pokemon ruby?

You must trade from another game.