the Unobtainable Pokemon in RSEFRLG are Celebi, Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, and 000 (Missingno. ( DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CATCH))
Registeel is unobtainable from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. You have to migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
You can trade from Pokemon Ruby to another Pokemon Ruby using a link cable.
Ok People Im Not Talking About Pokemon Ruby!! Just Pokemon Ruby Destiny!
Pokemon Ruby Destiny Reign of Legends ,Pokemon Ruby Destiny Rescue Rangers, Pokemon Ruby Destiny Life of Guardians
Gastly is unobtainable in Pokemon Ruby. You need to trade one from Pokemon Firered or Leafgreen.
Registeel is unobtainable from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. You have to migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
Manaphies are unobtainable in Ruby as it is a Generation IV Pokemon.
Inkay is unobtainable in the games before X, Y, Alpha Sapphire, and Omega Ruby.
Munchlax is a Sinnoh region Pokemon, which when Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald were released, Sinnoh did not exist yet. It is unobtainable in the three games.
Shadow lugia is unobtainable in any game excluding Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness unless hacking is used
Regirock is unobtainable in firered you must trade one from ruby, sapphire or emerald.
Pokemon ruby's version IS Pokemon ruby.
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
Ho-Oh is unobtainable in the wild in Ruby or Sapphire without cheating. You will therefore need to trade for it from Pokémon Colosseum...or Fire Red, Leaf Green, or Emerald if you have access to the Mystic Ticket.
All The Shiney Pokemon You Can Get In Pokemon Ruby Are All The Pokemon You Can Get in Ruby Any Pokemon Can Be Shiney Even Starters and Legendaries. So There Are 200 Shiney Pokemon You Can Get In Pokemon Ruby.