Ok People Im Not Talking About Pokemon Ruby!! Just Pokemon Ruby Destiny!
Steal Other Trainers pokemon: B6c5368a 08be8ff4 6fd6o8d0 B9151d51 084197ca
Get Visualboyadvance. Get The Gameshark Code: Steal Trainers Pokemon. EXAPLE: If You Pick Treeko, And Fight May, But First You Need The Master Ball Code. Then Steal Her Torchic. When Picking The Master Ball Hold L+R. Now You Could Catch Her Torchic. Theres A Code That Steals The Last Pokeball From Birch. I Don't Know The Code But It's In Here. www.gamefaqs.com/gameshark/pokemon ruby/
Steal Trainers Pokemon F14e5bf8 48e23757 8e883eff 92e9660d
hi my name is nick and the master code for Pokemon Ruby is: 9E6AC862823AB7A8 46B7D9E4A709E9E1 Copy and paste into gameshark
You cannot steal Pokemon but if you have a gameshark you can put it into your GBA (Gameboy Advance) and enter in a code for stealing the rental Pokemon.
Steal Other Trainers pokemon: B6c5368a 08be8ff4 6fd6o8d0 B9151d51 084197ca
you can't. :(
Get Visualboyadvance. Get The Gameshark Code: Steal Trainers Pokemon. EXAPLE: If You Pick Treeko, And Fight May, But First You Need The Master Ball Code. Then Steal Her Torchic. When Picking The Master Ball Hold L+R. Now You Could Catch Her Torchic. Theres A Code That Steals The Last Pokeball From Birch. I Don't Know The Code But It's In Here. www.gamefaqs.com/gameshark/pokemon ruby/
Steal Trainers Pokemon F14e5bf8 48e23757 8e883eff 92e9660d
As of 2014, there is not a listed e-reader code for Pokemon Ruby. There are codes however for other Pokemon versions.
There are none.
Unfortunately there is not.
Yes there is a platinum steal code for action replay, my friend has it. I'm not sure about the code, though. I hope I helped with anything.
Pokemon RULES
hi my name is nick and the master code for Pokemon Ruby is: 9E6AC862823AB7A8 46B7D9E4A709E9E1 Copy and paste into gameshark
You cannot steal Pokemon but if you have a gameshark you can put it into your GBA (Gameboy Advance) and enter in a code for stealing the rental Pokemon.