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ONLY WORKS ON EMERALD! Not Sapphire or Ruby Versions.

You cannot trade from game boy games. You must catch all 200 pokemon in the Hoenn Dex and then go to Prof. Birch. but you can only choose one of the three pokemon, so choose carefully!!!!


- You can trade from game boy games you just need link table and game boy

but how? i have 354 pkmn in my pokedex on sapphire but he wont give me nothing

he just says hmmmmm......

For the question above mine... Because this only works on Emerald. Not Sapphire or Ruby. Emerald ONLY. Emerald is an improved version of Sapphire and Ruby. Emerald has better graphics and story line. This will only work on EMERALD.
You can only receive one of these pokemon from Professor Birch after completing the Hoenn dex this includes Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn pokemon you can see and capture in the game you will need the aid of Ruby, Sapphire, Firered, and Leafgreen to trade each other pokemon exclusive to each version to Emerald to assist the completion. A couple pokemon can also be obtained from Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness such as Entei and Lugia and so on.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

after you get every single hoenn Pokemon GO to prof.birch and he well let you choose totodile cyndaquil or chikorita to get as a reward.

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Q: How do you get Chikorita Totodile and Cyndaquil in Pokemon Emerald?
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Answering "Can you just catch 200 Pokemon on your national pokedex to get chikorita cyndaquil or totodile?" Hell no!

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=Totodile is the best=

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In emerald, it can be gotten by completing the national pokedex, Birch gives you a choice between cyndaquil, chikorita, or totodile. Or you can get it in Pokemon XD, after beating Mt. Battle, there is still the same choice of either cyndaquil, chikorita, or totodile.

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