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you can get one of them as a starter at new bark town from prof.elm

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Q: How do you get chikorita cyndaquil totodile in Pokemon crystal?
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What are the three starter Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal?

The three starters in Pokemon Crystal are Cyndaquil (the fire type) , Totodile (water) and Chikorita (grass ).

What are the starters in Pokemon Silver for Game Boy Color?

Chikorita (Grass Pokemon), Cyndaquil (Fire Pokemon), and Totodile (Water Pokemon) are NOT in it. Infact, they're only in Soul Silver and Heart Gold, believe me, because I have BOTH. Thanks. I don't even know because everybody says Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile are in it. I would think not! Okay, now can somebody tell me who the starter pokemon for Crystal!?

Where is totodile in Pokemon Crystal?

It is in the beginning of the game when you are entered in Prof. Elm's Lab. If you chose Totodile your rival chooses Chikorita, but if you chose Cyndaquil your rival will choose Totodile. Other wise it'll be harder to find without those requirements, besides trading.

What are the starter Pokémon evolutions in Pokemon Crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal, Totodile evolves into Croconaw at level 18, then evolves into Feraligatr at level 30; Chikorita evolves into Bayleaf at level 16, and then Meganium at level 32; and Cyndaquil evols into Quilava at level 14, and then Typhlosion at level 36.

What is the greatest game of Pokemon of all-time?

to me i think it is crystal cause you have lugia, ho-oh, celebi, cyndaquil, totodile, and chikorita. Also you have to battle Red, Blue, that red haired girl, and 16 gyms. als.

What are the new starting Pokemon?

The starter Pokémon for HG and SS will be the same as they were in Gold/Silver/Crystal - Cyndaquil (fire), Totodile (water) and Chikorita (grass). HeartGold and SoulSilver are remakes; not reinventions of the same regions, just like with LeafGreen and FireRed; the Pokémon are all the same, just with updated versions.

What Pokemon game can you get chikorita in?

You can get Chikorita in Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Emerald.

Which Pokemon game has the johto starters?

Cyndaquil, because he can learn a LOT of moves when he is bigger and I chose Cyndaquil and my Rival took Totodile and I CRUSHED him. second best Totodile sorry but Chicorita is not that good :P

Can you get Pikachu as a starter in crystal?

No. You choose from Cyndaquile, totodile, or chikorita, just like silver and gold versions.

What Pokemon is good for starting in Pokemon Crystal?

Totodile; teach him Ice Punch from Goldenrod City to take out your rival's Chikorita. Also, he is tough and will go easy with a water type move against Suicune.

How do you get cyndaquil in Pokemon Red?

You cannot get Cyndaquil in Pokemon Red. It is only on Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.

What are the starter Pokemon from every pokemon game?

red/blue/yellow/firered/leafgreen:Charmander, squirtle, and bulbasaur gold/silver/crystal/heartgold/soulsilver: Totodile, chikorita, cyndaquil ruby/sapphire/emerald: treecko, torchic, mudkip diamond/pearl/platinum: chimchar, piplup, turtwig black/white/ black 2/ white 2: snivy, oshawott, tepig