The choices are Cyndaquil for fire, Totodile for water, and Chikorita for grass.
There are 100 johto Pokemon in all.
Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. kwl thanks alot
You have to beat the Pokemon league in Hoenn, Kanto and Johto. In Sinnoh, there might be some trainers who have Torterra.
I think when you get all of the 8 badges in the johto region and beating the Pokemon league for the first time.
No. However, you can travel between Johto and Kanto via the S. S. Anne and the Magnet Train (if you have fixed the power plant). You can also fly to either Kanto or Johto from the Pokemon League, I find it to be an effective middle ground for travel between regions
once you finsh the sappfire game you can go lab and get the johto Pokemon to start the johto league now and train them to beat the johto league
you cant
Pokemon Johto started in America in the year 2000.
You start out in the Johto Reigon.
you in it. its were you start.
There is no Johto league.
yes, it is it is in your pokegear on your start menu
AnswerThere are two Pokemon Leagues in Pokemon Crystal. These correspond to the two regions you explore. Kanto has the Indigo League while Johto has the Johto League. Once you have collected the first eight badges of Johto, you can challenge the first Pokemon League, and after you have collected the eight badges of Kanto, you can battle in the Indigo League.
youhave to beat the johto league
You have to enter the Pokemon League.
To enter the Pokemon League, you only need to obtain the eight Johto badges and then find the Pokemon League building.
You have to beat all of the gym leaders in Johto then look at the map.