merchanting! its da best way to make gp... just dont put any new merchantig items u migth discover on YouTube as it would then no longer work :)
pking is also good(Bad Version)
(Better Version)- Getting 1mil gp in Runescape can be fairly easy, first you need to know what method you will use to get it.
Common F2p Methods- Merchanting god items(Guthix,Zamorak,Saradomin armor)
Fishing for lobsters and swordfish on Karamja(slow method- Karamja has no bank at the moment)
F2p PvP/BH (Can be very risky/dangerous for unexperienced players.)
Common P2p Methods- Merchanting new items that Jagex releases(usually
members only items)
Green Dragon Hunting(lvl 13 wildy-Edgeville or in Chaos
Aviansie Hunting in the GWD(God War Dungeon, good
Range lvl only about 60-65+)
Methods like this usually require patience to some form of a degree
You can merch items.
the price can change but now it is around 750k to 1m.
There are a number of ways to get a Whip in Runescape. The first is to buy it from the Grand Exchange, price is currently 1M. Second is to get it as a drop from another player in PvP, or buy it from someone. Third is to achieve 85 slayer, once you have this go to the slayer tower in the Canifis(check runescape world map for directions) They aren't that rare of a drop, although you definitely wont get one every kill. It could take 100-1000 kills to get one, its all chance.
I would strongly recommend using diffrent logs if you can but otherwise it probably would take at least maby 2m 1m logs which i have no clue i just like to help people with runescape
There is currently a Runescape 2 and it is a popular MMORPG. You can play it at the website It is a F2P (Free to play) and P2P (Pay to play). There was originally Runescape 2, but they renamed runescape 1 "Runescape Classic" and named runescape 2 just "runescape". Runescape classic is runescape 1. Runescape is runescape 2, but they dont call it 2, well most people dont, they just call it runescape. Ricco119
1m on runescape means 1 million gp (1,000,000)
It is IMPOSSIBLE to make 1m in runescape in 5 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- yes it is impossible.... unless u sell something worth 5m!!! actually you can get more then 1m from Target drops on bounty hunter!
Merching like a baws.
You can merch items.
An easy way to get 1 mil is to fish 2000 monkfish.
the price can change but now it is around 750k to 1m.
From the RuneScape main menu, select "Game Guide" and "Grand Exchange". There you can get the current prices of tradeable items.
Depends how hairy ur balls are
You can't, except for the corrupt items, but they only last 30 minutes for a very expensive price (200k~ 1m)
botting will get you banned before you will even make 1m. nothing works on mac's.
you may only post on the forms if you have over 1m xp
Sell something worth 1M every hour. Or simply mine, woodcut, skilling, kill Giants, stew making or crafting.