This means that you are trying to run 1.5 homebrew on a 5xx kernel PSP. You will need a kernel add-on to run the homebre you are trying to run on a Phat PSP, and it won't work at all on slim PSPs. Installing the kernel addon is more trouble than it is worth in my opinion, I wouldn't worry about it.
error 80551001 in PlayStation Store
80020148 is the firmware error code. Try running the latest update, as some games won't let you play them unless you are running the most recent update.
DNS error 80410413 means the web address was typed in wrong eg: i tryed every thing when this mesg came up, then when i nearly gave up i typed and it changes the address to the psp cant do this so it just gives an error mesg i then typed in the address on my psp the exact address; AND IT WORKS :) WOWO :)
Bring your PSP to a game store (like Gamestop) and ask them to fix it.
my psp could not internet play
error 80551001 in PlayStation Store
That error is not very common. It seems as if your PSP is defective as it will not allow you to connect via USB.
I'm not sure they can fix our psp
80020148 is the firmware error code. Try running the latest update, as some games won't let you play them unless you are running the most recent update.
DNS error 80410413 means the web address was typed in wrong eg: i tryed every thing when this mesg came up, then when i nearly gave up i typed and it changes the address to the psp cant do this so it just gives an error mesg i then typed in the address on my psp the exact address; AND IT WORKS :) WOWO :)
Bring your PSP to a game store (like Gamestop) and ask them to fix it. that, I've used it and its brilliant
my psp could not internet play
i read somewhere that you nead to downgrade the psp to 1.5 before upgrading it, I'm not sure if it's true and i have no idea how to downgrade it
delete the data and puted in your psp
autoIt error how can i fix this problem
Go to the repair shop that it can fix your psp. If you don't see one find someplace else