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delete the data and puted in your psp

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Q: How do you fix PSP corrupted data?
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Why does your psp say corrupted data on svr?

Because the PSP detected data corruption when connecting to the server.

How do you fix the corrupted data for Pokemon leaf green on VisualboyAdvanced Emulator?

In Emulators you can't fix the corrupted Data, Just in the GBA or GBA Sp

How do you fix corrupted save file?

delete the data and puted in your psp

Why is your PlayStation Portable game corrupted data?

Corrupted data is just your saved file of a game that didn't save correctly. You probably turned off your PSP while the game was saving. Most likely, you will have to restart that game that has the corrupted data.

How do you fix a corrupted game on a PSP memory stick?

Best thing to do is delete it and redownload it from the PSN.

How did Xbox fix corrupted data?

It depends what file was corrupted. The Xbox did nothing, but an update may have fixed it.

How do you fix a corrupted PSP after downloading a file and then shutting down the system?

You bring it to a game selling shop like Game Stop® and ask them to fix it.

How do you fix psp corrupt data that was downloaded from the internet?

i have know idea

Why does your psp say corrupted data when you download a game?

You need custom firmware or a Pandora battery and a magic memory stick.

How come monster hunter freedom unite have corrupted data?

It's because when you're playing online gathering hall and after you finish the quest you turned off the PSP then, you'll will go back to HOME and it will say corrupted data.

Why does your psp say file is corrupted when you try and play umdumper from

The data is either corrupt, or you're trying to run unauthorised code.

Why is it when you put a video to your psp from itunes it say corrupted data on psp?

It's because iPhones and PSP's are not compatible.(they both use a different video format) You need to convert the video to a format the PSP can video conversion software is available online