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Use the tape in the gift shop's staff room on the desk, bring it to the balloon then drag the balloon with tape on the heliun tank and blow it up.

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Q: How do you fix Herberts balloon in club penguin herberts revenge?
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The answer is NW24TH745HJOSTW2 (incorrect!)

When will club penguin herberts revenge come out?

it will come out on monday march 8th

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you have to get Herberts revenge game on dsi then unlock it

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if its on herberts revenge G gives it to you

What is Herberts revenge in Club Penguin?

It is a club penguin EPF DS game that you get in Walmart stores.

When is the laptop coming out on Club Penguin 2011?

its not u have to unlock it from club penguin herberts revenge

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Is the mission Herbert's Revenge on Club Penguin?

no. herberts revenge is actually a Ds game That has 10 missions