4 lights is NOT the red ring of death. Different sets of lights mean different things. The RROD is 3 lights (general hardware fault). Having 4 red lights means the AV connection is not working. First thing is to unplug and replug all the AV connections. If that doesn't work, the next step would be replacing the cables Hope It Helps
There is a way of fixing the ring of death when your warranty is up. What you would do is ... BUY A NEW XBOX 360!!
To correctly fix a wireless xbox 360 controller simply refer to the service and user manual.
if its the red ring of death up to 3 rings turn off xbox and let it cool down if u get all 4 ur xbox is completley ruined
how I fixed my xbox 360 from the red ring of death was by not playing it or turning it on for 1 to 2 days DO NOT DO THAT!!!! If you have the pro xbox (Which is just about every single 1) just unplug it and plug it back in. !PEACE!
The Xbox 360 Elite is more reliable. The Xbox 360 Arcade is the least reliable. The Xbox 360 Premium is in the middle of reliable. There are intercoolers especially made for the Xbox 360 which reduces the chance of getting the " 3 Rings of Death." The 3 rings of death are when 3 lights on your Xbox 360 power button turn red. This happens when the motherboard (main control system) gets too hot, or overheats. The metal inside of it bends. This causes the motherboard to stop working, which in turn, completely kills your Xbox 360. Some people get really lucky, and once they turn the Xbox 360 off and back on, it starts working again. Once you get the 3 rings, the T.V will just turn black, as if you put the T.V on Aux or Video or Input to play your game, but didn't turn it on. If you shut your Xbox 360 off and turn it back on, the rings will do what they normally do (turn on and off in a circle one time, then flash and fade out), but then the 3 red lights will turn on. When you get the 3 rings of death, you can ship your Xbox 360 to Microsoft. They will repair it for $160. Once shipped, you have to wait 6 weeks to get it back. Some people put guides on how to take apart and fix the 3 rings of death problem when you get it. 97% of those guides don't work. So there you have it. Hope this helped. -Joe
three flashing red lights of death xbox 360 youtube vidio you go to PC consols ripair shop and they wil fix it
send it to Microsoft
You can send it to Microsoft who will fix your Xbox 360.
you can send out your xbox 360 to Microsoft and have them fix it if you still got the warranty if you don't, it will cst you about 150$ to repair it with them
put your xbox 360 in the freezer for 4 to min and then turn it back on. It will work..
you cant fix a red ring of death. this means your xbox has bit the dust, and you have to get a new one around 360 dollars.
There is a way of fixing the ring of death when your warranty is up. What you would do is ... BUY A NEW XBOX 360!!
Call Xbox live.
You have to mail it to the Microsoft xbox 360 corporation. Unless you know some Guinness that can fix it.
To correctly fix a wireless xbox 360 controller simply refer to the service and user manual.
It is recommended that you contact Xbox Support.
No, they won't. If you're out of warranty, you might want to look up ways that can potentially fix a red ringed 360.