if its the red ring of death up to 3 rings turn off xbox and let it cool down if u get all 4 ur xbox is completley ruined
ring up Microsoft and they should take it in for free if its in warranty but if it isn't they they will charge you. if your out of your warranty do not pay Microsoft do this : take your x-box apart (you van find find how to do this on you-tube or google) clean all the moving parts in your drive and lens with surgical spirits and cotton buds and put bake together works every time!!
Appart from the first answer....what i did was keep my receipt and called the customer service. They suggested i get it in before 30 days even though i had a warranty...(by the way it did nothing to the warranty i personal paid for) so i was still able to keep my warranty and get my psp repaired.
There are many ways of fixing your Xbox 360 of the COD (Circle of Death) or Ring of Death. If your Xbox is new to getting the Ring of Death than this scenario will work for a month or so, but take note: The best way to get it fixed is if your warranty/recite is still in order you can email Microsoft, they will send you a box to put your 360 in it and you send it to them they fix it and send it back. Like I was saying anyways if you don't want to wait and its new than here's what you'll do. It's simple-Get a towel, such as a beach towel and wrap the xbox in it, leave cords connected so it can turn on and cover up the gaps as much as possible. Then turn on your xbox and leave it on for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes has passed unwrap and turn it off, when you turn it back on the xbox should work until you turn it off, you may be lucky and have it work twice in a row but most of the time you have to continuously do this everytime you turn it off and on, so use your time wisely.Still a decent way is to trade it in (Not recommended) or send it in to Microsoft (recommended) If the month, year or whatever warranty is up you might have to pay a small fee, get a new one, send it in to a local repairer *not Microsoft* send it in to a local Microsoft company or search your xbox from the inside out (Sometimes what causes the ROD is very noticable inside of your 360 console, such as too much dust covering it I recommend getting a inter cooler thing that attatches where the power cord goes to avoid that, or it may be that something is out of place.The ROD is caused by one other thing so check this first, if your AV cord is unplugged from the console you will receive the ROD symbol as a warning that your AC cords are not connected either to you TV or Xbox 360 console.Best wishes to you ill and/or screwed up 360, may it have a speedy recovery
After you get all the required gears you can go up to it and fix it. There's no way to explain how to fix it as arrange the gears in words, so I would recommend looking it up on you tube!
No, they won't. If you're out of warranty, you might want to look up ways that can potentially fix a red ringed 360.
Cable may be broken. May still be under warranty. Ask the dealer to fix it under warranty.
Dealer Warranty item.
immediately unplug all wires, wrap it up in a blanket and put it in the freezer for 7 to 9 hours.....
if its the red ring of death up to 3 rings turn off xbox and let it cool down if u get all 4 ur xbox is completley ruined
Unfortunately, Your Xbox system has the red ring of death. You cannot fix it on your own, so i suggest putting it back in it's box and mailing it to the people at Microsoft. One you have, after about a month your console will come back, good as new.
classic? arcade maybe? if its an xbox 360 you could snuff it but it limmits to playtime. if it just poped up with the red ring check all your cords to see if they are loose in any way. because when you get the red ring it doesnt mean your xbox is gone. most dont get the complete ring
'Three Rings of Death' (or 'Red Ring of Death', often abbreviated to 'RROD') refers to the way that three of the four light quadrants on an Xbox 360 light up red when a specific problem occurs with the hardware. Although there are several proposed methods of solving the issue once an Xbox has RROD'd, most require the owner to open their Xbox 360, thus voiding their warranty.
ring up Microsoft and they should take it in for free if its in warranty but if it isn't they they will charge you. if your out of your warranty do not pay Microsoft do this : take your x-box apart (you van find find how to do this on you-tube or google) clean all the moving parts in your drive and lens with surgical spirits and cotton buds and put bake together works every time!!
Smash it up and buy a ps3 lol :)
The Red Ring of Death is the 4 flashing red rings because the mother cores inner chips have overheated and have "blown up". The 360 has a different system of cooling down/heating up.
It depends on the warranty they gave you when they did it. If it was a life time warranty then you can go back to the company that gave you the warranty and have them fix it. Just make sure you have the copy's of the "touch ups" receipts so you have proof you did what was required. If it was a five year warranty then your out of luck no matter how well you kept it up. Doesn't even matter if it was a 10 year warranty, if it was 10 years and 1 day your still out of luck unless you can convince them it was rusting before the warranty was over. Even then they may have a stipulation on WHEN you tell them. If you tell them it's rusting 1 day "after" the warranty ended then they MIGHT not fix it.