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After you get all the required gears you can go up to it and fix it. There's no way to explain how to fix it as arrange the gears in words, so I would recommend looking it up on you tube!

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Q: How do you fix the clock in the crystal room?
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I did it it's just I don't know how to explain it. I sort of did it by luck. I just put this here and that there, then I had two one atom blobs, and I could put them on the top of the thing and I did it. I probably didn't help you, but it's really hard to explain. Never ask me a question about analyzing, or anything in my sims agents except for how to fix the clock in the crystal room. You can see the answer to that.

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You cannot replace the clock 'light' on an older CR-V since there is no bulb. It is an L.C.D. (liquid crystal diode) unit which, if it fails, must be replaced.

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It is behind the fireplace on the right wall. You can access it if you manipulate the broken clock by the door.

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The clock out frequency of an 8085 is one half the crystal frequency. The period of one T cycle is the inverse of the clock frequency. At a crystal frequency of 5MHz, the clock is 2.5MHz, and T is 400 ns.

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Fix That Clock - 1964 was released on: USA: July 1964

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