Rookie is on CP,
I suggest using a tracker or just... finding hime
Rookie only comes around on April fools or a sky event.
You can watch a video of it on youtube or you can talk to rookie.
At the Gift Shop at club penguin.
Well he comes during april fools party i belive
You have to wait untill it comes in the club penguin stores...or sometimes you can find it around the club penguin world. You must be patient and wait for it to come in club penguin stores...or you need to go on an adventure around the club penguin world and you need to find it
The color of Rookie on club penguin is dark green.
Rookie is a mascot in club penguin which helps in mission, this answer is sent by cp master131.
Umm,he's not online sometimes sooo...
track him. I tracked rookie once. Also Gary and others. WWW.CLUBPENGUINTRACKERS.COM has it. OR just find rookie. BUT HURRY IT MIGHT BE A FULL SERVER
You can not get his password unless you work for club penguin. This is because he is a famous penguin/moderator.
you go to the town and get one from the rookie.
Rookie is a character in Club Penguin found on secret missions. To solve secret missions you have to be a secret agent in which that requires you to ignore people then check your mail when it comes up In club penguin rookie appears in missions 3, 7 and 10.
Rookie is a green penguin who wears a red and white pinwheel hat and sunglasses.
Rookie has it in the town.
He Dosen't have a bro
probably not