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You cant. Advance Map is only for Gba roms.

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Q: How do you edit ds roms with advance map?
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Can Nintendo DS roms be played on Game Boy advance emulators?

No, they cannot.

Can you play Game Boy advance roms on the DS?

Since the DS and the DS lite have a slot-2, you can just insert the cartridges directly into the consoles.

What hacking tools are there to hack Pokemon LeafGreen and Pokemon Fire Red?

To hack the game on tour gameboy, or ds, buy a gameshark or Action Replay. To hack the ROM on your computer, there are so many things that you can use. Advance Text - to edit the text, Advance Map - To edit the map, Overworld Editor - To edit sprites.... Tons more. You can find all this stuff here; Hope this helps

Does the Advance Text hack that was used to change storyline etc. text in the GBA Pokemon games work for Pokemon Gen 4?

The answer is a perfect NO! See, Advance Text is used to edit the texts in GBA (GameBoy Advance) ROMS like Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen while you said Gen 4 games which are preferably an NDS (Nintendo DS) ROMS like Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver. So the answer is NO!! Did you get your answer or do I need to provide more information regarding this?

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R4 is a ds emulator. You can play roms of ds games, and many more like genesis. the best place to get roms is

What is the R4 card on Pokemon pearl?

The R4DS is a DS flash cart that can run DS Roms and Homebrew programs. Downloading DS games/roms you don't own is illegal.

Can you play a Game Boy game in the DS I?

Play Gameboy Advance Games (GBA ROMs) on Nintendo DSi with the help of a DS iPlayer card and DSi-GBA emulator. Download GBA games to microSD card

Where to find a ds emulator?

to find one go to then there should be a place to download it for pc it is called no$gba it can play ds roms and gba roms

What is the site to download advance map for ds games?

there is no site to download it cuz it doesn''t exist

How do you use Pokemon ROMS?

I recommend Advance Map. For playing them: Download the corresponding emulator, i.e. Virtual Boy Advance Link Edition for red, blue, (Japanese ones as well) silver, gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, etc...Pokemon games, Project 64 for Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, etc...And No$Gba for the DS Pokemon games if your system allows.

Can you use a Xbox 360 controller for DS roms?
