R4 is a ds emulator. You can play roms of ds games, and many more like genesis. the best place to get roms is coolrom.com
No, the R4 for the DS will not work on the DSi
An R4 is basically a mod chip for the Nintendo DS console. You can download games from the internet and put them on your R4 card and play the games on your Nintendo DS.
Not natively, but you can get a flash card such as the R4 that will let you. Google R4 DS
you can use a r4 for ds lites but with dsi's there is a different type of r4 sorry i dont know the name of it
No, the R4 for the DS will not work on the DSi
Yes!!! If a Gamecube game works in a Wii, then an R4 chip will work in both! ;)
I don't know what you mean but the R4 will work on the original ds and the ds lite The R4i will work only on the dsi. Now, R4 DS card load wood r4 kernel can support many latest DS games.
What!? A DS R4??? Well i presume you meen 'how do you make the DS have an auto boot R4?' (not possible!) Just buy an R4, theres no way you can have a DS what runs roms without an R4 (or any other flash cards) You can buy them here: http://www.r4i.co.uk/ (for both DS and DSi)
All r4i cards work on 3DS. But you need to understand that the R4 cards does not work on the 3DS 3D games and only for DS games. For the first generation R4, it does not work on the cards, please refer to 'R4i cards' , 'Acekard 2i' , ' M3i zero'.
An R4 is basically a mod chip for the Nintendo DS console. You can download games from the internet and put them on your R4 card and play the games on your Nintendo DS.
Someone can buy a R4 DS from the Deal Extreme website. The Deal Extreme website offers a large variety of R4 DS's that can be purchased for any DS system.
Not natively, but you can get a flash card such as the R4 that will let you. Google R4 DS
you can use a r4 for ds lites but with dsi's there is a different type of r4 sorry i dont know the name of it
No, but there is an alternate version of it called WAIO (Wood All-in-One) which works with a good number of R4 clones. No, R4-III can't run wood r4 kernel. Woo r4 is an unofficial kernel for r4 ds and r4 3ds card, it can be used in following flashcards: 1. R4 DS card from r4ds.com. (now, official website is r4ds.me) 2. R4idsn 3DS card from r4idsn.com. 3. R4i Gold 3DS and R4i Gold V1.4.1 card from r4ids.cn. Yes,R4 III don't work with wood R4 kernel Wood R4 kernel compatible with R4 DS card,R4 gold 3DS,R4IDSN.
Only if you buy a R4i DS.If you have DSi Firmaware 1.4 , you will need to make sure the box says "v1.4!" Original R4 DS card can't work on DSi. There are many r4 dsi card in the world. which can run on Nintendo DSiXL, DSiLL, DSi, DS and DS lite.