You will need to be a runescape member to post on forums, if you are a free user you can only browse them.
You need to have either a paid membership, or 5 million total experience points, to do that.
It is not possible to delete a RuneScape account.
There is currently no option to delete your RuneScape account.
You cannot send a complaint directly to Jagex, you can however post it in the "Rants" section of the runescape forums if you are non-member level 250+ or if you are simply a member.
You will need to be a runescape member to post on forums, if you are a free user you can only browse them.
To post on the RuneScape Forums, your account must meet one of the following requirements:You have a total level of 500 or more.You are a RuneScape member.So, non-members with a total level of 500 or more are able to post on the RuneScape Forums. Additionally, all RuneScape members are able to post on the Forums.Players with an in-game mute, an in-game ban, or a forum ban will be unable to post on the Forums for the duration of that mute or ban.
On forums, click edit post then delete post On messages, click delete
Free To Play Requirements:To post on the forums as a free to play (F2P) Player of RuneScape you need a minimum total level of 350. Pay To Play Requirements:To post on the forums as a pay to play (P2P) Player AKA a "Member" Of RuneScape you do not need any requirements, you are able to post on the forums from the time you join the P2P part of RuneScape.
Use the RuneScape forums, and post/update you blog in the 'general' section.
no, only free players with over "12.5" million overall experience can post on the forums
You have to be a member or have 1.5 million total exp
You need to have either a paid membership, or 5 million total experience points, to do that.
You cannot delete an account on RuneScape.
It is not possible to delete a RuneScape account.
There is currently no option to delete your RuneScape account.
you may only post on the forms if you have over 1m xp