You get a Pokemon that's effective against Phychic or Flying.
Personally, I wouldn't defeat Lugia...
yes you can. but if you have Pokemon soulsilver, the first encounter will be a lugia and vice versa for ho-oh.
You can't unless you use gameshark
Lugia learns Sky Attack at level 99.
Lugia doesn't learn psychic in Pokemon soul silver on his own. However, you can easily teach Lugia psychic if you have the move in your possession.
Once you defeat Lugia at the waterfall in the Whirl Islands, Lugia can no longer be obtained. Lugia does not appear anywhere else - only in that one place.
Ditto and Lugia do not breed. I tried it.
Lugia is located in the whirl islands
No. Lugia for SoulSilver and Ho-oh for HeartGold. Yes, you just get them at different times. You get Ho-oh in Johto and Lugia in Kanto in HeartGold, and vise versa in SoulSilver.
On whirl island
yes you can. but if you have Pokemon soulsilver, the first encounter will be a lugia and vice versa for ho-oh.
If you mean Lugia following you, yes, it can.
Shadow Lugia is only available in XD.
Whirl Islands!
LV 45
get the silver wing