You must be on a faction server. Then do /f create (name)
for more commands do /f help
/f create [faction tag]The server needs to have the factions plugin first.
If it has factions installed, you type this in: /f create name Replace "name" with what you want your faction to be called.
It must have the factions plugin. The command it /f create name
To answer a faction invite just do /f join <faction name>
You use /f leave [faction name]
You will need to the faction plugin for bukkit once running then do in the chat /f create {name of faction here}
No, you do not have to pay to create a faction in order to create one, unless the server admins configure the plugin that way (which I have seen first hand). Then, simply type: /f create (faction name) then you type /f desc ( ) to make a description for you'r faction.
/f create [faction tag]The server needs to have the factions plugin first.
If it has factions installed, you type this in: /f create name Replace "name" with what you want your faction to be called.
It must have the factions plugin. The command it /f create name
To answer a faction invite just do /f join <faction name>
You use /f leave [faction name]
add them to your faction with /f join <faction name>
I assume you're talking about a faction invite. the command is /f join <faction>
If you are in a faction, and want to teleport to your faction home, just type /f home.
Press T
You have to wait and eventually you will regain your power.