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You use /f leave [faction name]

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Q: How do you leave a faction on minecraft?
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How do I leave a fraction in Minecraft?

A fraction? You can't leave a fraction, but you can leave a faction. On most servers, it's /f leave (FACTION NAME). Don't be an idiot and put the ().

How do you leave factions on minecraft?

In factions, if someone sends you a /f invite, you will be able to do /f join <faction name>. If you try to join a faction without an invite it will not let you. When someone gives an invite it is sort of like 'opening the door' of the faction to you.

How do you accept a faction invite in Minecraft?

To answer a faction invite just do /f join <faction name>

How do you accept faction in minecraft?

I assume you're talking about a faction invite. the command is /f join <faction>

How do you teleport to your faction in Minecraft?

If you are in a faction, and want to teleport to your faction home, just type /f home.

How do you allow people in your chests on a Minecraft server faction?

add them to your faction with /f join <faction name>

How do you chat in a faction in minecraft?

Press T

How do you upgrade someone in your faction to a different rank in VortexPvP on Minecraft?

First you need to get 18428327435 diamonds then you throw them into lava then you leave the server and delete the ip

How do you make a faction on minecraft?

You will need to the faction plugin for bukkit once running then do in the chat /f create {name of faction here}

How do you get faction power on minecraft?

You kill mobs and players

What is a faction moderator in minecraft?

someone who moderates the factions

What does disc mean when creating a faction in minecraft?
