all you have to do is go to multiplayer and select lan can join one or create one
Black ops
rezurrection map pack or hack it or put local as japan laguage as japan create new account email put go to black ops go to store and download rezurrection for FREE
2 Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2 email me at i can answer any questions about black ops 1 black ops 2 and world at war i know all secrets glitches hacks etc...
go to create a class once you are a high enough level equip it as your secondary weapon
The only way you can get ascenison in black ops for free is by hacking it... and if you hack you will get band from playing black ops online or from Xbox live.
LAN means Local Area Network meaning you have a party on your xbox/ps3 which means that the "LAN" party are local players on the same xbox/ps3
yes on the multiplayer menu go local press on it an go into split screen or lan party.
create ur own server
Call of duty Black ops allows you to create emblems.
at the bottom of create a class
The create a class tab.
create one
No, you can not create a character of your own on Black Ops. But you can however create your own class by going to PlayStation Online and choosing your players color, face paint, and guns/equipment.
You need to make your own party in black ops and go to there profile and invite them
if you want to play against computer enemies then u have to go to lan party and click edit game options from there u can edit the time score enemies and other settings.