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I do not know why you would want to clear your XP, but if you do, kill yourself In-Game.

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Q: How do you clear xp in minecraft?
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How can you get a clear level on minecraft?

Pre-Win XP you can set it to 0 mines. Post XP you have to have at least one mine.

Can you download Minecraft on Windows XP?

Yes, you can.

Is minecraft 1.7 compatible with Windows XP?

minecraft 1.7 Minimum System Requirements:​OS: Windows XP; Mac OS X; GNU/Linux;

Can an AMD Athlon XP play Minecraft?

if it is a computer

Does the Minecraft Minecraftjar work on xp?

Yes, however, you need to have java installed

Do you get a remove xp mod for minecraft?

I'm not sure if there is one, but to remove your XP without a mod, just empty your inventory in a chest and die. You will spawn back at your house without the XP.

What is so special about xp in Minecraft?

XP in minecraft us very important, it is used when enchanting tools, armour, weapons and on an anvil to name, repair and also combine enchanted books with weapons, armour and tools. Happy Minecrafting!

How do you clear inventory with single player commands mod for minecraft?

do /clear inventory or just /clear

How do you clear the registry in Windows XP?

download registry cleaner to clean up registry erros from your windows xp.

Can minecraft be installed into a windows 8 computer?

Minecraft currently supports: Windows XP - Windows 8. Linux And recently All types of Apple.

How do you cancel your Minecraft account?

Clear all the Minecraft folders on your computer and don't use the same Minecraft name :D

How do you get the minecraft download to work on windows XP?

yes, it will. it might be a little slow if you are using it though.