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Use Iron Ingots on an Anvil in Minecrafft 1.4+. (It requires XP)

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Q: How do you repair chain armor in minecraft?
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Where do you repair dragon chain body on runescape?

dragon armor dose not need to be repaired.

Is chain mail armor stronger than diamond armor in minecraft?

No, Diamond is the strongest, followed by Iron. Chain is next, offering only a tiny amount more protection than gold. In terms of durability, chain is the same as iron, but diamond again is the best.

Is there armor in Minecraft PE now?

Yes there is armor

How do you get armor in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

there currently isn't armor in minecraft pe but there will be in v0.6.0 which will be released soon

When you repair brotherhood power armor my T51-B armor disappears please help?

To repair your Brotherhood armor, you need T51-B Armor, or an additional set of Brotherhood armor. So you probably used your T51-B Armor to repair it, depleting it.

What rare items does a minecraft zombie drop?

Zombies can drop many items here is a list from what I believe is the least to the most rare: .carrots and potatoes .iron ingot .iron tool .golden armor piece .iron armor piece .chain armor piece . enchanted armor piece

What is the first part of armor to break first in Minecraft?

Leather armor

What is the best armor on minecraft with the divine rpg mod?

The best armor in that mod is Halite armor.

Does it cost money to repair armor on dead frontier?

It does cost money to repair armor on DeadFrontier unless if you are an engineer yourself, if thats the case you can repair the armor yourself.

Is there armor in minecraft PE?


Can you make gravity armor in Minecraft?


What is the best armor on Minecraft?

Diamond armor is definitely the best armor in minecraft. It protects you the most and last for a really long time.