If you mean your username- you are not able to change your username as of March 1st, 2010.
The game title is "WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack". There wasn't any change to the website's name, as it remains "WolfQuest". The team didn't create a new website or anything of the sort due to costs and upkeep.
As of March 1st, 2010 you are not able to change your username.
WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.
You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(wolfquest.org)
well they would tell you the password for the game and you type that in the name and your user name and password and your in
yes i think you can by contacting them and giving the name you want
The game title is "WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack". There wasn't any change to the website's name, as it remains "WolfQuest". The team didn't create a new website or anything of the sort due to costs and upkeep.
As of March 1st, 2010 you are not able to change your username.
In wolfquest you cannot name your wolf your name it has to be another name ect. dusk or ice. If you name it your real name or a real name ect. Kevin or Steve. It will show up as *NONAME* (found this out on my own)
WikiAnswers spelled backwards is srewnaikiw. Wolfquest spelled backwards is tseuqflow.
Once you choose a den, you are unable to change it.
Here's a link to a good name generator.
you cannot change the season, day or weather all that comes in episode 3!
You have a mate.
WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.
Once pups are born, they do not change color.
You cannot name your wolf on multi-player in WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack. This is an to add to safety. WolfQuest like other games which have online capabilities, was suffering from players being very inappropriate in some of the chats, players were encouraged to report these players so they could get banned but many players were getting confused between the wolf name and user name, and were reporting the wolf name therefore nothing could be done about the players acting in such a manner. Unfortunately there was no other way for the team to stop this. So they removed the ability to be able to name your wolf in MP games. Now people will not get confused when reporting inappropriate players. If you would like to change your WolfQuest username to you wolf name, then go to: http://www.wolfquest.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=29420