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You have to be a hard-mode shaman (1000+ saves) to have this. If you are a hard mode shaman, you click on the feather, then enter a color code. Use

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Q: How do you change shaman colors in the game Transformice?
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How do you change your map on transformice?

To change your map on Transformice, you need to go to the "Editor" mode in the game menu, select your map, and then click on the "Play" button. This will allow you to test and edit your map as needed. Once you are satisfied with your changes, you can save your map by clicking on the "Save map" button.

How do you earn titles in transformice game?

You can get titles by collecting cheese, being the first mouse in the hole, buying shop items, saving mice as shaman, participating in special events, and being an admin.

What is the opposite of Transformice?

There will be a game called Transforcats. I guess thats a opposite of Transformice. Signed by Tannermo P.S. Tannermo is my Transformice username.

What is the mice game?

Well I'm pretty sure there are many mice game and that you can search some up on Google or Yahoo, but one game I suggest would be Transformice at In that game you try to get the cheese and get back to your mice hole safely. In addition, in some stages there is a shaman in some levels, or maps. Anyway, there is a tutorial in the game.

Are there any games like transformice?

Try Searching Transformice clone game, if you can't find the results tell me and ill update this.

How do you change my profile picture on transformice?

In-Game you are not able to. On the forum you may log on and click "Settings", under "Edit profile" you will see "Edit avatar", click on it and you may change your avatar.

Where is the chat box in transformice?

It is in the bottom left corner of your game screen!

Does transformice is fun?

It a game where a shaman casts crates,balls,etc. to help mice get the cheese and return to the mousehole by going into any room. Another way to play it is by going to a room called survivor it is where the shaman kills mice instead of saving them.Finally,the last way of playing it is going to room *baffbotffa2.It is where mice have to go to fight other mice by shooting cannonballs while ducking although everyone can do that,when the last mouse survives,there will be a portal for you to get the cheese.(Only that you can't be shaman next turn)

Is transformice the best mouse game online?

It matters on the player's opinion. To me, yes.

How Do you get more cheese in transformice an online game?

One way to get more cheese is to type into the facebook chat bar which will bring you to the Transformice Facebook page and give you 20 cheeses.

How can you get the light token in the game shaman king soaring hawk?

There are a few places where one can get a slight token in the game Shaman King Soaring Hawk. The best location is the Great Wall of Chori.

How do you change colors in poptropica?

go to the first place that when you started the game and go to the left you will see baloons press any of them then your face and body will change colors