In-Game you are not able to.
On the forum you may log on and click "Settings", under "Edit profile" you will see "Edit avatar", click on it and you may change your avatar.
Go to Menu, then click Avatar. Go from there by downloading a picture.
you cannot do it
First go to your profile with your avatar and select Customize Avatar, it's one of the options on the right. If you don't have Xbox Live then select Profile, then edit profile, then gamer picture.
Transformice happened in 2010. on your profile picture change status 3.choose between truce,normal and holiday 4.enter your password change
By contacting transformice
Go to Menu, then click Avatar. Download a picture from there.
To change your profile picture on wikianswers go to your profile and upload it from there.
You don't - only I can change my profile picture.
Go to your profile, and then hover over your picture. Then click change profile picture.
Go to Menu, then click Avatar. Go from there by downloading a picture.
go onto my profile and you can click on the picture icon
Go to settings>Profile and change the profile pic.
Your mafia wars profile picture is your facebook or myspace's profile picture.
It is not possible to change your profile picture to a video.
To delete a friend on Transformice, just go to where your profile picture is and Click "Menu." It will bring up a list, on the list should be a thing that says "Friends." Click on this and press the "x" button on the friend that you want to delete.
click on your picture.