To change your profile picture on wikianswers go to your profile and upload it from there.
You don't - only I can change my profile picture.
Go to your profile, and then hover over your picture. Then click change profile picture.
Go to settings>Profile and change the profile pic.
Your mafia wars profile picture is your facebook or myspace's profile picture.
Well you have to save it in a file then press image on fronter then it will come up will different file names. Click on the one you want as your picture.
It is not possible to change your profile picture to a video.
click on your picture.
You change your glogster profile picture by clicking a button that says "Edit Profile" near the top. When you get there, you will see your picture in a large version. Under it, there is a button that says "Change Photo" and you can select a photo from your pictures.
go to edit profile.. and then, go to 'picture'.. next, upload image.
at your profile on your profile pic it says change hit browse and go into your pictures and click the one you want
usually your google account's profile picture is being carried over. but you can change it, just click on you profile on youtube and change your picture. See related links for more info