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you have to finish the challenge game or a simple speedrun. after you win the session, your dino will change colors.

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Q: In Dino run How do change COLOR?
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How do you change your dinos color in dino run?

You can't

Can you be a different DiNO on DiNO RuN?

No, the game is designed for velociraptors only, but if you donate to pixeljam they will send you a code so you can change the color of your dino and give him hats. There are some cheat codes fr the hats if you want them that much... If you want them just type in dino run hats.

How do you change you dino's name in dino run without losing your dino's online stats?

you can go to Stats and press 'Change name'.

How do you change the run level on dino run?

You can change the speedrun in the Options Menu.

How do you change your dino's name in dino run?

Go into stats from the main page. Then click change name.

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How do you change the color of the dino in Dino Run?

By going to Speedrun mode or Multiplayer mode. Every tme you level up you get new costumes. But there is a cheat for free hats which is "don8tosaur". don't copy paraentheses. Go to options to input cheat. Hope this helped. :)

How do you save Dino's on Dino run?

You haft to get the dino into the cave at the end of a speed run lvl or at the end of a challenge

Can your dino on dino run be revived?

No you have to restart

Where are the passwords for Dino run?

:( can someone tell me were you typ in the dino run passwords :(

Who is truthseeker on dino run?

Truthseeker is a guy who makes rumors in dino run.

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