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Q: How do you catch the wiggly tree in Pokemon crystal?
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How do you get rid of the wiggly tree in Pokemon crystal version?

water it with a spray can, its a sudowoodo. you can battle and catch it too, because that is the only one you will find in that game

How do you break the wiggly tree in Pokemon Crystal?

The wiggly tree is actually Sudowoodo. You need to get the badge in Goldenrod City. Then you go to the Flower Shop (next to the gym) and get squirtbottle. Use the squirtbottle on Sudowoodo and it will attack you. Defeat it or catch it and you will be able to get past.

Where is the sudowoodo on Pokemon Crystal?

go to goldenrod city get the squirtbottle spray it on the wiggly tree and you battle sudwoodo

How do you catch An Aipom in Pokemon Crystal?

headbutt tree

How to get flash on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You find it after you fight the wiggly tree.

In Pokemon silver how do you get past the wiggly tree?

you get the squirtbottle at the flower shop and water the tree(which is Sudowoodo)

How do you get the sudwoodo in Pokemon Gold?

After the third gym, their was a house right outside it. Inside the girl in red will give you a squirtbottle. Go up to the wiggly tree on rt. 36 and sprinkle water on it. IT will attack you and you can catch it.

Which Pokemon can you get using Headbutt in Pokemon Crystal?

AnswerIf you use Headbutt on a tree in Pokemon Crystal, one of the following Pokemon may appear: SpearowHeracrossAipomEkansHoothootNoctowlSpinarakPinecoLedybaExeggcuteVenonatCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrill

What do you do after the wiggly tree - emerald?

If you're talking about the wiggly tree on the battle frontier, it's sudowudo. Use the wailmer pail on it and you can battle and catch it. After surf along the path and you'll end up in artisan's cave. I think there's a rare candy in there and a lot of smeargle.

What Pokemon is the wiggly tree at the battle frontier in emerald?

it's a sudowoodo, water it with the wailmer pail, get that in rustboro flower shop

How do you catch the tree in Pokemon SoulSilver?

With a pokeball

Where exactly do you find professor oak in Pokemon crystal?

By the tree.